Best Plants to Grow in Your Garden

You can add more color to your garden by choosing the right perennials. Some perennials include lilac, crabapple, dianthus, lilac, rose of Sharon, and more. You can also try the scented Koreanspice viburnum, a fragrant evergreen. If you’re pressed for space, try dwarf varieties of these plants. The foliage of ajuga is blue, and the flowers bloom in spring.

Buckwheat is an excellent plant to grow in your garden because it serves a variety of functions. Buckwheat will shade out weeds, provide green manure, and produce a lot of nutritious leaves. Growing buckwheat in your garden is easy, and once mature, it will produce seed. And it’s great for your soil, too! Even if you’re not a fan of fungi, buckwheat’s leaves will be very nutritious.

In addition to attracting pollinators, flowering plants are a wonderful way to add beauty to your garden. Consider planting flowers such as honeysuckle, passion flower, and clematis. You can also grow small ornamental trees in your garden for structure. Redbuds, for example, have tiny flowers in early spring. Smoke trees, on the other hand, feature reddish foliage and clusters of airy seeds.

Herbs are another great edible. You can harvest your greens almost immediately if you grow them right. You can grow a 4-by-8 planter of them for a family of four. Mature lettuce and cabbage, which take months to grow, are often destroyed by hungry rabbits or aphids. In contrast, baby lettuce and cabbage are ready to harvest in 30 days. The flowers and leaves will attract countless pollinators.

While you can plant annuals in your garden every spring, the most effective way to create an enchanting landscape is to use a mix of trees, shrubs, and perennials as the backbone of your landscape. Before you select any particular plants for your garden, be sure to check its USDA Hardiness Zone. This will tell you whether or not it will survive in your climate. Also, pay attention to how much sunlight the plants require. Full sun needs 6 hours of direct sunlight each day; part-shade requires about half the amount.