The Pros and Cons of Being Self Employed

The pros and cons of working for yourself are vast, and they are reflected in many areas of your life. Consider the cost and flexibility of working for yourself. Learn how to navigate the challenges that come with being your own boss. But don’t forget that self-employment also has its disadvantages. Read on for a breakdown of the benefits and disadvantages of being self-employed. Also, find out how health insurance works for self-employed individuals.


Flexibility is a highly sought after trait. Flexibility can be described as the ability to anticipate and adapt to changes. Although you can’t plan for the unexpected, you can plan for your own personal developments, such as changing jobs. In fact, you can start thinking about these changes long before they occur. The key to flexibility lies in recognizing when you need to be flexible, and working on developing the skills to be flexible.

While flexible working is a desirable characteristic for many workers, it does not come without its disadvantages. Initially, it may seem that you’ll have to sacrifice your career to make this happen, but in the long run, you’ll reap the rewards. However, if you’re not satisfied with your current schedule, you can always opt for flexible working. Flexible working can also have a huge impact on your productivity.


Benefits for being employed usually come with a price. Benefits can range from paid time off, health insurance, and life insurance to discounts on fitness clubs, employee stock awards, and retirement plans that match your contributions. You might even be offered paid family leave and adoption assistance. These are all great to have as an employee. Sadly, these benefits are not included in the cost of being self-employed. While these costs may not be as big as you think, they can add up quickly, and the peace of mind they provide is priceless.

In addition to benefits, self-employment also comes with a price: the cost of paying yourself. While you’ll not be paying a salary every month, you’ll also be responsible for covering healthcare and retirement expenses, as well as business expenses. You also won’t be able to submit expense reports to your employer, which isn’t a perk. These costs may be offset by the tax savings that you will receive from your business.

Health insurance

While you may not have the luxury of a large salary, you may qualify for the health insurance tax credit if you are self-employed. In addition to the tax credit, employers can lower premiums for their employees by paying a portion of their own premiums. These savings are passed on to employees, who benefit from lower premiums. But if you’re considering health insurance as a self-employed option, there are pros and cons to both.

The most obvious benefit of an employer-sponsored health plan is the fact that you have access to your doctor’s care. The benefits you’ll receive include coverage from a network of trusted hospitals and doctors. Moreover, the federal government may offer subsidies that lower the costs of the health insurance. In addition to these benefits, you can get individual or family plans that are inexpensive. For more information, you can contact a self-employment health insurance agency.

Working for yourself vs. working for yourself

While working for yourself is an option that many people love, it’s not always a good fit for everyone. For some, being a follower and answering to other people’s orders is a good fit. Others, however, are better off working for themselves, as it gives them more control over what they do. And, in general, working for yourself is a great feeling! After all, you get to set your own hours and decide what kind of work you’re willing to do.

The downsides of working for someone else include long hours and answering emails outside of work hours. You’ll also find yourself working overtime for no extra money and missing weekends. You’ll also likely be working more hours than you would if you worked for a boss. You’ll be forced to work long hours, which can be exhausting and stressful. Plus, you’ll be working around other people’s schedules, wasting precious time on your own work.